According to the 2010 publication by the World Health Organization - “Injuries and violence: the facts”, 5.8 million people die each year as a result of physical trauma. These deaths account for 10% of the world’s deaths, 32% more than the number of fatalities that occur due to malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS combined. The primary goal of a trauma system is to reduce or eliminate the risk of fatality or permanent disability. It is thus necessary to have a trauma management system in place to provide immediate and efficient multidisciplinary care to the patient in both- Pre-hospital and In-hospital scenarios. LIHS conducts the following trauma management courses: ITLS (Pre-hospital trauma care) ATLS (In-hospital trauma care) These courses train the delegates using skill stations to simulate different scenarios and provide hands on training. Training imparted will provide health care professionals with an opportunity to upgrade their clinical skills on par with international norms and standards.